Saturday, July 31, 2010

Teeny pleasures

Talking with M, she said, "I am someone who takes pleasure in small things. But my mom: she is happy with really small things. Things like sharp new scissors, or fresh milk."

And I thought: what a blessing. Being blissed out with the nuances of life that usually fly under most people's radar. I know people who'd need a private jet to make them happy. And people who get happy with an extra 10 minutes of sleep, or a light bulb, or a juicy peach.

I'm aligning myself with the sharp new scissors people. Because then everything is joyous and magical, not just the expensive, the extravagant, the large.

Thank you for some teeny pleasures in my life...
  • Blueberry honey
  • A lime
  • Soft blue bath mat
  • How good my pillow felt last night

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