Saturday, April 30, 2011

End oil and gas subsidies now

You're struggling to pay all your bills. Gas prices are too high to justify and businesses are passing on their increased transportation costs. All the while, who is seeing record profits?

That's right. Big oil and gas companies and their grossly overpaid executives. This includes BP, the company that knowingly caused the biggest environmental disaster in history.

Are you OK with this? If not, speak out right now:
I have. You can do it via email in 5 minutes. The thought of bailing out or subsidizing one more "needy" industry makes no sense.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Lust in the Leaflight

I don't have a lusty encounter - muddy, grass-stained, delicious, took place under these branches - to relate. Sorry. Tricked you. And here you are, reading my blog.

I am feeling lusty though. Spring, and a young woman's thoughts turn to...

Oh, come on! You'd all rather be gettin' some than whatever you're doing right now. All of you! Banging, balling, bonking, rolling in the hay, fucking, knocking boots, getting laid, gettin' busy, doin' the wild thing. Admit it!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Coming to terms with the edge

Talking with a friend today, I reflected on how I frequently find myself dancing on the edge. The edge of what I think is my limit creatively, financially, and emotionally. I keep reaching places I thought I'd never see, didn't want to see, and cringe to experience.


Because I value freedom so much...because I find the edge more potent and lively...because I feel like security is limiting...because I equate the soft plains of stability with a kind of death...because I am a writer and need material....because it is all part of the cosmic illusion and I need to surprise myself continually...?

Now we're getting somewhere.

OK. From here on out: I am totally comfortable with so many edges, especially in terms of my writing and relationships and emotional experience. In terms of home and finances, though, I must have - yes, I demand and claim - a stable foundation.

It's time for a measure of stability. That in itself would be novel right now!