Friday, September 24, 2010

Extraño Mexico (I miss Mexico)

This guy seems to be looking for warmer shores. Or perhaps just a tasty fish. As for me, I miss Mexico so much I feel it in my bones, on my skin, in my feet. I want to pack a bag and get on the plane tonight.

My friends in Puerto Vallarta tell me this is the rainiest rainy season in 50 years, with multiple torrential downpours per day, washed out roads and bridges, flooding. I can only imagine the jungle there now: conflagration of green!

I'll wait til things dry out a bit. And until I finish my current journey (Book Numero Uno).

But if I shut my eyes, I taste the avocados. Smell lime. I see the sun dropping into the ocean. I hear banda music blaring from a pickup truck late at night. My feet in flip-flops familiar with the cobblestone streets. The people who somehow look at me and know me, immediately.

Miss Mexico as much as a lover. More than.


Friday, September 17, 2010

I have never wanted

I have never wanted
something so

never so bewitched
by stars

now what?

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


The change of seasons in Maine is just as drastic (if not sometimes rocky) as its coast. A week ago, it was flip-flop weather: warm, sunny, blue skies. Now, it's shoe weather: cool, breezy, with clouds.

As the trees seem to be getting ready to turn, we move into the typical harvest time.

For me, the harvest - fruits of my labors - will be my book.

My time in Maine is drawing to a close, so I savor each moment, making sure to take the back roads that show me views like the one you see above.